
Pachuau Banana Chips

Established in 2023, Pachuau Banana Chips started chips production the same year at home scale. Years before actual production for sale to public, the owner & proprietor, PuPC. Lalngaihsanga  gone through many trials and errors to not only compete the existing banana chips produced by entrepreneurs within and outside Lunglei District but to dominate them in taste and flavour thus wasted bulk of banana until achieving uniqueness to his brand product. Finally, he formulated a product having unique taste, flavour and durable intactness which give his chips a superior quality which almost meet 100% of his desired quality!. He is now investing more resources to achieve standard quality of packaging materials with bars coding, QR coding and other requirements.

The uniqueness of Pachuau Banana Chips could be found in its taste, flavour, crunch, shape, design and intactness. The product could remains intact in open for longer period. It is available in plain salted form, salted spicy and plain unsalted.

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