
Success story of ODOP product

1) RAFA Pro-Biotic Juice (Banana Juice) :

Located in Theiriat Local Council of Lunglei, RAFA Pro Biotic Juice aims at producing fruit juice of marketable quality from indigenous fruits and locally grown fruits including banana in order to share available benefits with producer farmers. Started their juice processing plant in October, 2024, since then, the Unit sold their juice products of 13 different fruit species which are made available in local vendors’ shops.

The RAFA Pro Biotic Juice plant was officially inaugurated on 18th October, 2024 by Pu B. Lalzarzova, District Horticulture Officer, Lunglei, and several quantities of the products were also released for free sale to vendors. The inaugural programme attended by Pu R. Lalthanmawia, President, Mizoram Dragon Fruit Farmers Association, Sub-Hqrs., Lunglei with his Colleagues and Pu R. Lalrambeiseia, District Co-0rdinator, NEIDA, Lunglei District with his Colleagues and several farmers of Banana and Dragon fruit.

The Juice production plant requires not the best quality of fruit for quality juice production but also inferior ones which are classified as ‘B’ grade and below. Therefore, raw material requirement of Juice Plant dynamically covers almost all kinds of fruit farmers at any level.

The Horticulture Department recommended this Entrepreneurs to avail available appropriate Schemes to the Department of Commerce & Industries in order to enlarge and upgrade their production unit, and it is hoped that the Unit will grow in a larger dimension with intervention of relevant Agencies with available Govt. assistance / Loan.

2) Pachuau Banana Chips :

Established in 2023, Pachuau Banana Chips started chips production the same year at home scale. Years before actual production for sale to public, the owner & proprietor, PuPC. Lalngaihsanga  gone through many trials and errors to not only compete the existing banana chips produced by entrepreneurs within and outside Lunglei District but to dominate them in taste and flavour thus wasted bulk of banana until achieving uniqueness to his brand product. Finally, he formulated a product having unique taste, flavour and durable intactness which give his chips a superior quality which almost meet 100% of his desired quality!. He is now investing more resources to achieve standard quality of packaging materials with bars coding, QR coding and other requirements.

The uniqueness of Pachuau Banana Chips could be found in its taste, flavour, crunch, shape, design and intactness. The product could remains intact in open for longer period. It is available in plain salted form, salted spicy and plain unsalted.

3) Bawbawihi Food Processing :

Owned by Vanlalzami, Bawbawihi Food Processing Unit was established in the year 2016. Different kinds of fruits, vegetables and spices are made in the form of Pickle, flakes, fine powder and flour. It is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in food processing. They participated by exposing their products in almost all big public events like Agri / Horti / Commerce & Industries Exhibitions, Fair, Mela, Festival and other events organized by various Agencies at Lunglei, Aizawl, Guwahati, New Delhi Chapcharkut, Winter Fest., Agri Expo, Buyers Sellers Meet etc.

Their products are not only Banana product like Banana Flour and fine powder but also various vegetable pickles, Chilli pickle, Chilli dry flakes, Chilli Chips, Ginger Candy which are daily needs in kitchen. As such, harnessing banana and other local fruits and vegetable produces as raw material, the Unit is co-operating the intervention of the Govt. Department and other Financial Institution and is growing towards achieving sustainable goals.