Information / Reports about the ODOP Product, brand identity of ODOP Product
List of ODOP Product
- RAFA Pro Biotic Juice :
Type of Product : Banana Juice
Contact No : 7005 430 399 & 7005 466 565
- Pachuau Banana Chips
Type of Product : Banana Chips – Plain salted & Spicy
Contact No : 7628 975 939
- Babawihi Food Processing
Type of Product : Banana Powder
Contact No : 8413 934 641
Detail Information about ODOP Product and Brand identity
Pachuau Banana Chips Production report:
After having careful and in-depth study of banana products in various parts of the State of Mizoram, despite abundant availability of fresh banana across the State, I found that there is no enough supply of banana products in markets such as chips, juice, candy or banana fibre crafts of any kind. I also observed that banana production in our District, is though large in volume but they, are commonly sold in the fruit form and not in a processed form. Considering all my findings and observation our family started making banana chips in a very small scale in the year 2023. I used to collect banana raw materials from Rangte, Serte, Thiltlang and surrounding villages @ Rs. 3 – 5/- per green fruit.
My procedure of making banana chips may be highlighted in brief as follows:-
- We sliced mature green banana into pieces of ideal size and shape after peeling off the skin manually.
- Sun dried the sliced pieces.
- Fried the dried pieces after well mixed with recommended additives in oil. Drained off excessive oil. Added taste maker agent.
- Further added additives as per requirement of flavour as spicy or plain salted product.
- Packed the product in labelled pouch manually.
- Sold @ Rs. 20/- per pkt.
- Employed casual labour beside family labour on need base.
- Most of our products are sold in Lunglei District, and demand is increasing after conducting sample tests at various levels. Now, we received demands even from outside district.
- The taste, flavour and crispiness of our product are unique as compared to others of its kind.
- We are now taking steps to improving the overall quality of our product by availing Govt. Schemes from line Departments and Agencies”.
A Report submitted by Pachuau Banana Chips Production
Bawbawihi Food Procssing
I established my food processing unit in the year 2016 in a very small scale; I made pickles and food powder from various locally grown and wild fruits as well which are sold in all over the State of Mizoram. Participated many times with my various products in Agri / Horti / Commerce & Industries Exhibitions, Fair, Mela, Festival and other events organized by various Agencies at Lunglei, Aizawl, Guwahati, New Delhi etc.
My products are Local vegetable pickles, Chilly pickle, Chilli Dry Flakes, Chilli Chips, Ginger Candy, Ginger wine, Dried prawn, Thingthupui pickle, Anthur Jam [Rosel hibiscus], Anthur wine, Rice beer, Banana Powder, Banana Flour which are largely sold to restaurants, Hospitals beside domestic households. I used raw materials collected from local suppliers from within Lunglei District. I sold my products to local vendors as well as other Districts of Mizoram and outside States.
Production Status Report:-
- Production of Banana Flour requires green banana which is collected from banana farmers of the District.
- After peeling off green banana flesh, sliced the flesh into pieces, sun dried for 1 to 2 weeks.
- Well dried pieces are crushes into powder form.
- Sieved dried banana powder into fine flour, packed and sealed.
- Banana powder can be used for preparing curry soup, paste and gravy, banana beverage in the form of juice, wine or beer.
- It contains large amount of fibre, potassium and important vitamins. As such, it is a good food supplement for diabetic patient.
- Being the one and only entrepreneur engaged in this business in the District to meet the growing demand I am very much enthusiastic to go forward to achieve sustainable business.
A Report submitted by Bawbawihi Food Processing
RAFA Biotic Juice
It was my vision since long ago to process various kinds of fruit of local product and high value wild fruits in this sub-tropical and sub-temperate climatic zone of Mizoram. I used to collect various available fruits in Mizoram during their respective fruiting seasons such as Banana, Guava, Mango, Passion fruit, Pineapple, Dragon fruit, Gooseberry, Plum, Pear, Mulberry, Kawrthindeng [Dillenia indica L..], Theiria [Eugenia operculata] and Chengkek [Garcinia lanceifolia]. I used to prepare juices, ferment juices for experiment many times for many years. Finally, in the month of October, 2024 I established my own brand production unit which I called ‘RAFA Pro biotic juice’.
Considering the challenging large scale market problems faced by our banana farmers in my District, I decided to venture banana processing industry in order to turn banana fruit in the form of beverage. Fortunately, we are doing so well with our banana juice production and sales, and our juice reaches all Districts of the State now.
Our products are sold not only vendors but also widely sold in Lunglei Music Festival 2024 at Pukpui, Exhibition 2024 at Saikuti Hall, Lunglei organised by Commerce & Industries, Govt. of Mizoram, Horticulture Fair cum Exhibition 2024 at Agriculture Complex, Lunglei and Winter Fest 2024 at Saikuti Hall, Lunglei.
Our Banana Pro biotic juice is bottled in 750 ml container which is sold @ Rs.350/- per bottle MRP.
Production Status Report:-
- Prepared Banana Pro biotic juice from our own banana fruits produced from our farm which is sometimes supplemented by collection from Vanhne village.
- Washed thoroughly after peeling off ripe banana with pure water to sanitise it.
- Brewed 5 kg of ripe banana flesh in 15 Lit. Container.
- Before brewing, added various required ingredients, and mixed well. Brewed for 15 – 20 days. Filtered and start clarifying which requires 30 – 45 days.
- If OK, filled the bottle and sealed.
A Report submitted by RAFA Pro Biotic Juice